CSI: American Carnage (Monday, June 3, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Monday, June 3, 2019)

WASHINGTON—George, Jim says, Listen to me. There are four things the attorney general said six weeks ago before 12 members of the Senate Finance Committee. Comey fired. McCabe fired. Lied three times. Baker demoted. Page demoted. Strzok demoted. Two fired. Three demoted. Six weeks ago. Four things. Three other important things he said. One, spying did occur. He had one basis for concern that spying did occur. He used two terms that should scare all your viewers. He used the unauthorized surveillance and political surveillance. And he has one goal: to get to the one bottom of it. Not two. One firm bottom. George says, We also heard from Mueller. Jim says, Bob Mueller had 22 months, $30 million, 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, 500 witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas. If he could have accomplished one obstruction, he would have done it once. Not once. He couldn’t do it, that wasn’t his finding, not one finding. One attorney general said that. One deputy attorney general said it. One sitting president said the same. Three of the highest officials, one nation, said the same darn thing, one thing. But I have one thing I want to do. I want to look how this whole thing started. I want to look why they put someone next to George Papadopoulos, one person, someone pretending to be somebody else, this Azra Turk individual to find out what was going — I want to — I want to learn about that. I don’t know. That one person and the one low-level individual, and from that 19 lawyers, 22 months, 3241 questions, and that’s public, public record, which is just one tip of the iceberg. But — but I do know what Jim Comey told us, and this is one thing I know, and 300 million American people know this, too, he said after 10 months of the FBI looking into this, they had no evidence of any type of coordination, conspiracy or collusion, three different possibilities, okay, between the two countries and the one campaign, the Trump campaign, and Russia to impact the 2016 election. So after 10 months he didn’t know, how long did it take Bob Mueller with 19 witnesses — or 19 lawyers, most of them were Democrats who were out to get one president — how long did it take him to figure it out? That’s just — I think that’s a question most members and frankly most people in this country, that’s 300 million,  would have for Bob Mueller. So if he comes, that’s something that’s going to get asked. And George, if you’ll hold your horses, I have one other thing I want to ask Mueller, one thing that has nagged at this country’s integrity, its fabrichood, its cohesioness for four decades, the one thing that has never been answered by the 19 lawyers and the $40 million, and that is, Who promoted Peress? This is the one central question waiting for an answer for one half a century. And I didn’t wrestle with 6241 boys to come up without holding the one answer that will take us forward into the future, and away from the one false past, the one phony scenario. George removes his glasses and looks at Jim and his crisp white shirt and his one shining shirt. George says, We’ll be right back. — Monday, June 3, 2019

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